Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Creating Sacred Space Amongst the Chaos

"Peace. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart." ~unknown

I know I'm a victim of my own mind more often than anything else. I pressure myself to be more successful, do more at home, do more in my personal time from volunteering to meeting up with friends and the first thing to go is usually myself.

Finding peace and creating sacred space even in the most stressful of situations is something I work on constantly.

So how can you do the same?

Here are a few techniques to combat anxiety, stress, fear, frustration, and a myriad of other harmful reactions to our everyday lives and create a space of sacred calm despite it all.

Just Breathe

It sounds too simple, too easy. But it is the most effective tool in your toolkit and it's free, fast, and always available.

No matter what's going on around you, if you take a few moments to stop, pause, and take a few deep breathes you'll immediately feel more grounded and level-headed.

If you're looking for a simple, effective breath that only takes a few minutes then do four-corner breathing.

Find a semi-quiet spot whether it's your office, the bathroom, the shower, the car or outside. Then, find something square to gaze at: a TV (that's off), your computer monitor, a frame, a picture you love, even your phone or a piece of paper. Anything with 4 corners.

Starting in the upper left corner, inhale as you slide your eyes to the upper right corner. Pause your breath and slide your eyes to the lower right corner. Exhale slowly as your move your eyes to the lower left corner. Pause your breath and slide your eyes to the upper left corner.

Repeat this, slowly, at least 5 times (10 is better) and you will instantly feel like your reset button has been hit.

For more information on the power of breath, look into pranayama techniques or Breath of Joy for a truly revolutionary breath experience.


A personal, self-affirming mantra is something that you can take with you everywhere. It's a powerful reminder that you are greater than the sum of the current chaos in your life.

Mantra can be something as simple as "I am beautiful" or "I breathe peace" to something more personal like "I am proud of my strength in moments like this". It can even be something more spiritual like "Truth is my name" or "I bow to the divine within myself".

Whatever mantra you select for yourself, write it down on a few pieces of colorful paper and slip them into your wallet over your picture ID, tape one on your steering wheel or dashboard, to the base of your monitor, or under the case on your cell phone. Having these little reminders everywhere is the perfect way to remind yourself that you are powerful, beautiful, empowered, and capable of peace even in the most challenging moments.

As soon as you think your mantra or see your mantra, take a few deep breaths and let it really sink in. Say it to yourself in the mirror. The positive affirmation will immediately elevate your energy and lend a positive spin to whatever is going on around you.

Laugh, or Fake It 'Til You Make It

We all know the power of a smile and a laugh to heal some of the world's most serious ills. So use this magical tool to your advantage.

When the going gets tough...fake it 'til you make it. Fake a laugh, fake a smile and believe it or not, you'll truly tap into some of the benefits of a REAL smile.

Even better, think of something completely ridiculous to illicit a true peal of joy from your lips. Think about doing something totally crazy like the chicken dance in the middle of your next corporate meeting, or running screaming with your arms over your head while you screech like a chimpanzee in the grocery store. Think of a funny joke your kid told you or something hysterical your partner did last weekend.

Whatever it is, if you can find a little levity in the moment, you will immediately bring light and a small dose of joy to your heart and mind.

Turn On Some Music

Sacred space is all about you and bringing peace and serenity to your body and soul. Music is another great resource most of us have access to that can give us a brief respite from the madness of the moment.

Whatever kind of music you enjoy when you want to relax and unwind, pop it in (even if you only have time for one song), close your eyes and let it carry you away.

Music has incredible powers to heal and if you pair it with mindful breathing, an inspiring mantra and a little smile, you will have created a space in time that is healing, healthy, powerful, transformative and accessible in even the most insane afternoons.

While these are only a few of the tools we have at our disposal, they are very very powerful when you use them mindfully and frequently to get you through the day.

We have several even more powerful techniques and tools for creating transformational moments throughout your day, so check back soon for details on the forthcoming workshop.

Namaste and remember that you deserve a few moments of love and joy each and every day!!!

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